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eMPF Platform: Revolutionizing the MPF Ecosystem through the power of FinTech (2 November 2023)


Mr Eric Lui, Chief Executive Officer of the eMPF Platform Company, spoke at the main conference of the Hong Kong Fintech Week 2023 on 2 Nov, introducing how the eMPF Platform could reshape the MPF ecosystem through Fintech and bring about revolutionary transformation to the MPF System. 




Mr Lui said that the eMPF Platform would provide electronic one-stop and comprehensive MPF scheme administration services to 4.7 million MPF scheme members and 350 000 employers through Fintech, bringing enormous benefits to all stakeholders of the MPF System.  In addition, as a major financial infrastructure under the Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint, the Platform will help promote the development of Fintech in the pension industry. 




Organized by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and InvestHK, the Hong Kong Fintech Week (30 Oct to 5 Nov) gathered global leaders in innovation, technology and finance to explore the future development of Fintech, attracting more than 30 000 physical and online participants from more than 90 economies.