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Sharing on MPF’s hottest topics with retirement industry participants (14 September 2021)


Mr Joseph Lee, Director (Product Regulation) of the MPFA, attended a retirement industry conference yesterday (14 Sep), sharing his views on the current MPF product landscape, MPF investment regulations and the latest MPFA initiatives including sustainable investing and the eMPF Platform. 




Mr Lee dissected the different views from various stakeholders on fund choices, adding that the MPFA was reviewing the current MPF fund choice framework based on expected retirement outcomes. It could facilitate the development of more retirement solutions types that could better match scheme members’ expected outcomes.


Furthermore, Mr Lee said that the MPFA was working in full steam to build the eMPF Platform, which was expected to fully operate in 2025. It would enhance the operational efficiency of the MPF System, thereby creating room for further fee reductions, enhancing scheme member experience and engagement, fostering a barrier-free MPF market with more robust competition, and paving way for future reforms.