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MPFA Acting Managing Director shares the Future MPF Landscape with the Industry (23 November 2021)


To share the future development roadmap of the MPF System with the industry, MPFA Acting Managing Director Mr Cheng Yan-chee gave a presentation at the Hong Kong Trustees’ Association (HKTA) Conference 2021, updating participants about the latest development of the eMPF Platform project, training programmes for MPF trustees and the latest initiatives on the MPF investment front.



Mr Cheng revealed that one of the new initiatives by MPFA was the issuance of a set of high level guiding principles to assist MPF trustees to integrate ESG factors into MPF investment. He added that ESG investing will be an integral part of future MPF investment and MPFA has been working closely with the industry in order to provide better retirement protection to scheme members, including promoting the awareness in sustainable investing for the interest of scheme members.