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MPFA Executive Director (Members) promotes use of MPF digital tools to facilitate retirement planning (30 November 2021)


MPFA Executive Director (Members) Ms Cynthia Hui delivered a keynote speech at the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK)’s Financial Planning Virtual Conference 2021 today (30 Nov), sharing the latest updates of the MPF System and practical tips on MPF investment and retirement planning with about 400 practitioners from the wealth management sector.



In addition to the latest development of the eMPF Platform project, Ms Hui emphasized that digital management of MPF is conducive to effective retirement planning. She encouraged the industry practitioners and scheme members to proactively use the digital tools provided by MPFA, such as the MPF Fund Platform and Retirement Planning Calculator, so as to facilitate better MPF investment management and retirement planning and to enjoy the convenience brought by digitalisation.