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MPFA Chairman exchanges views with Legislative Council Members on MPFA’s work (28 February 2022)


MPFA Chairman Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau and Acting Managing Director Cheng Yan-chee had three virtual meetings with LegCo Members from the New People’s Party, the Liberal Party and G19, a coalition formed by independent legislators, on 28 February 2022 to introduce the primary work foci of the MPFA in 2022.




Mrs Lau shared with LegCo Members on various MPF-related issues and reviewed the performance of MPF investment in 2021. She also delineated the multi-pronged approach undertaken by the MPFA to refine the MPF investment regime for the interests of scheme members.




Mrs Lau also took the opportunity to update Members the progress of the eMPF Platform project. She said that once the phased transition of MPF account information to the Platform has started in 2023, it would bring tremendous benefits to both employers and employees in terms of efficiency, cost savings and user experience, etc.

Mrs Lau thanked the Members for their invaluable views and suggestions. She wished to continue communicating regularly with them and other stakeholders to gather ideas for improving the MPF System.