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MPFA consults the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers on the user interface mock-up of the eMPF Platform (8 Apr 2022)


MPFA Chief Operating Officer Mr Leo Chu, together with MPFA colleagues and contractor of the eMPF Platform, met with the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) in a webinar on 8 Apr, to share the latest development of the eMPF Platform to over 60 representatives from different insurance companies and seek their views on the user interface mock-up of the Platform. 



Mr Chu said that many insurance companies have also engaged in MPF-related business, therefore their views and suggestions on the eMPF Platform front-end portal could help perfect the design of the Platform from the users’ perspective. He thanked the participants for their valuable comments and suggestions in the consultation session and said that the support from the MPF industry is vital to the successful development of the eMPF Platform. He appealed to the continuous support of HKFI in the promotion of the eMPF Platform to their employer and employee clients when it is launched.