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MPFA thanks the valuable comments and suggestions of various stakeholders on user interface mock-up of the eMPF Platform (11-15 July 2022)


To collect views and comments of various stakeholders on the user interface of the eMPF Platform, MPFA, together with representatives of eMPF Platform Company and the project contractor, organized more than 100 consultation sessions with about 190 stakeholder groups on the user interface design of the eMPF Platform in the past half year with a view to catering for the needs of different users in the design of the Platform. 




MPFA thanked all participating stakeholder groups and looked forward to having continuous collaboration with them for jointly promoting the eMPF Platform to all platform users, including employers, human resources practitioners and scheme members.




In the past week (11-15 July), the project team introduced the latest development of the eMPF Platform project and demonstrated key functions of user interface of the Platform to various stakeholders, including reporters, the Construction Industry Council, the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, LegCo Member Hon Tommy Cheung and a few major catering business associations, Pension Schemes Association, Treasury Department of the Government, the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association and several financial experts, etc.