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eMPF Platform – A green financial infrastructure for employers and working population (27 September 2022)


Director (Engagement and Policy) of the eMPF Platform Company Limited Mr John Wan attended a webinar on the eMPF Platform and sustainable investing today (27 Sep). At the webinar, he shared the background, benefits and latest developments of the eMPF Platform project, and how the Platform could integrate the concept of sustainable finance into the MPF System with over a hundred scheme members. 






Mr Wan said that after the launch of the eMPF Platform, employers, employees and trustees would only need to use a common digital platform to handle all MPF scheme administration work which currently involved lots of paper. He also said that the eMPF Platform would reduce waste and create room for fee reduction which would bring tremendous benefits to all stakeholders of the MPF System as well as contribute to the sustainable development.