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eMPF Platform – Making handling of MPF administration work easy for HR practitioners (20 April 2023)


Mr Anthony Chiu, General Counsel of the MPFA, attended a meeting of the Labour Department’s Human Resources Managers’ Clubs yesterday (20 Apr), sharing with human resources (HR) practitioners the objectives and the latest development of the eMPF Platform Project and how the Platform would bring enormous benefits to employers, scheme members, and other stakeholders.



Mr Chiu said that with the launch of the eMPF Platform, HR practitioners would be able to handle all the administration work of MPF anywhere, anytime through this one-stop electronic platform, significantly enhancing operational efficiency, improving user experience, and avoiding inadvertent manual mistakes causing late or inaccurate contribution of MPF.



The MPFA will continue to introduce the eMPF Platform to all sectors of society, enabling relevant stakeholders to prepare for the digital transformation.