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MPFA Chairman meets with grassroots workers to promote MPF (4 September 2023)


With a view to listening to grassroots workers’ views on the MPF System and the work of MPFA, MPFA Chairman Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau, together with MPFA Non-executive Director cum Legislative Council Member Hon Bill Tang, participated in an outreach promotion in Yat Tung Estate, Tung Chung yesterday (4 Sep).  During the activity, they promoted MPF messages to the members of the neighbourhood, responded to enquiries and exchanged views on various MPF issues.  



Mrs Lau said that MPFA was always concerned about the retirement benefits of grassroots scheme members and has been committed to continuously refining the system so as to assist the working population to increase their retirement savings.  The MPFA would continue to actively engage with grassroots workers in the community for further improving the benefits of scheme members.