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MPFA Chairman interviewed by NOW TV’s programme “Now Forum” (19 May 2024)


MPFA Chairman Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau was interviewed by NOW TV’s programme “Now Forum”(大鳴大放), introducing how the eMPF Platform will bring substantial benefits to users and address the pain points in managing MPF. 


Mrs Lau said that the Platform will reduce the administration costs of MPF schemes, directly benefiting scheme members through fee reduction.  The Platform will also enable scheme members to view the MPF balances of their schemes under different trustees through a single account. Currently, the process of consolidating different MPF accounts usually takes up to two to three weeks, but after all MPF schemes get onboard the Platform, the process would be shortened by half.  Employers will handle administration tasks electronically on the Platform, saving manpower and time, enhancing efficiency and avoiding human errors.


Furthermore, Mrs Lau expressed her gratitude to the MPF industry, particularly the MPF trustees, for their support and assistance in the development of the eMPF Platform, which would be the most significant reform for the MPF System since its inception.



View the full interview (in Chinese only):

