Information Centre

Public Registers

AIA Company (Trustee) Limited

Trustee's Basic Information

Name of Trustee

AIA Company (Trustee) Limited 友邦(信託)有限公司

Principal Business Address

8/F, AIA Financial Centre
712 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Principal Business Telephone Number


Principal Business Fax Number

2565 0001

Date of Approval (dd/mm/yyyy)


* Above is the principal business telephone number of trustee. For MPF related customer service hotline, please click here.

Registered Schemes

Background Information

AIA Company (Trustee) Limited is a member of the AIA Group Limited (the “AIA Group”). The AIA Group has operations in 16 markets in Asia Pacific. The AIA Group meets the savings and protection needs of individuals by offering a range of products and services including retirement savings plans, life insurance and accident and health insurance. The Group also provides employee benefits, credit life and pension services to corporate clients.

Last Revision Date: 26/07/2024