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MPFA Chairman meets with FHKI on MPF System (19 October 2021)


MPFA Chairman Mrs. Ayesha Lau, accompanied by Acting Managing Director, Mr. Cheng Yan-chee and Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, Mr. Leo Chu, visited the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) today (19 October) to exchange views on the latest developments of the MPF System which are of common concern to employers.




At the meeting, Mrs. Lau introduced the latest development of the eMPF Platform project, which is the most crucial reform initiative ever undertaken by the MPFA since the launch of the MPF System. She said that when the eMPF Platform was fully implemented in 2025, it would bring tremendous benefits to scheme members and employers alike.




Mrs. Lau added that the Platform could simplify the handling of MPF scheme administration procedures. The standardized and automated scheme administration processes could reduce paperwork, human errors, and inadvertent delay or default contributions that would result in contribution surcharges. Employers would find a brand-new user experience in the Platform conducive to their handling of MPF scheme administration work not limited by time or place.