Useful Tools


Notification of Reportable Event

*Applicable to ORSO registered schemes only


If the relevant employer or administrator of a registered scheme becomes aware of a reportable event that occurs on or after 26 June 2020, he must within seven working days give written notice to the MPFA setting out the particulars of the event, keep a record of the particulars, allow the MPFA to inspect the record, and give written notice to the MPFA setting out such further or better particulars of the event as the MPFA requires after the MPFA makes the requirement.


To facilitate the relevant employer or administrator of a registered scheme to give the said written notice to the MPFA setting out the particulars of the event, the relevant employer or administrator can complete the following Notice of Reportable Event the MPFA.

Required document(s)
Submitted by
Relevant Employer or Administrator
*Please submit the Notice via email to under the title “Reportable Event under S.33A”.