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MPFA Chairman talks about development of MPF in Now TV interview (6 June 2021)


MPFA Chairman Mrs Ayesha Macpherson Lau was interviewed by Now TV on 6 June, sharing her upcoming work targets and her visions on the future development of MPF.



Mrs Lau stressed that she attached great importance to protecting scheme members’ interest, and therefore more effort would be dedicated to increasing MPF net return, strengthening enforcement actions and enhancing public education.


Mrs Lau mentioned that there were common misconceptions about the investment returns of MPF being eroded by inflation. To dispel the misunderstanding, she cited recent statistics showing the annualized return was around 5% since the inception of the MPF System in 2000 and the return of most MPF funds with investment elements had outperformed the inflation rate in the same period of time.



Concerning fees, Mrs Lau said the eMPF Platform, which is under development aimed to standardize, streamline and automate the current administration processes of the MPF System, would create further rooms for fees reduction once it is fully operational. She emphasized that the eMPF Platform project would reform the MPF System towards a new era and the key to achieving this goal was to encourage all scheme members and employers to use the platform.